Cannot find either column “[ColumnName]” or the user-defined function or aggregate “[ColumnName]”, or the name is ambiguous
I had the following, really simple, issue when adding no locks to my join statements. (I’m relatively new to nolocks since my other applications didn’t require almost immediate concurrent access)
Note: Tables names were changed obviously
(((dbo.TableA a (NOLOCK) JOIN dbo.TableB b ON a.index = b.index(NOLOCK)) JOIN dbo.TableC c ON a.index = c.index(NOLOCK))
And it was throwing
Msg 4121, Level 16, State 1, Line 3
Cannot find either column “b” or the user-defined function or aggregate “b.index”, or the name is ambiguous.
Fix : add the nolocks after the naming, before the on… ex:
(((dbo.TableA a (NOLOCK) JOIN dbo.TableB b (NOLOCK) ON a.index = b.index) JOIN dbo.TableC c (NOLOCK) ON a.index = c.index)
The fix was as simple as the issue. Hope this helps anybody new to using nolocks as well!