Category: .NET

MembershipProvider.ValidateUser Always Returning False

Working with a legacy authentication system, I was attempting to get a login working for an application hosted locally. I was calling ValidateUser with the correct username and password within our system but noticed I was still getting false back from the method. Here is a list of things I tried & looked for in case this might be your issue:...

Common NuGet Package Manager Console Commands You Should Know

Within Visual Studio there is a console window that many know little about. I myself have finally started researching ways to improve my productivity via this console window, the Package Manager Console. In doing my research and using some of these commands on a daily or weekly basis, I figured I’d jot these down for my own notes, and anybody...

Grouping Objects by using GroupBy using LINQ in C#

Ever need to group by a property and want to use LINQ to do so? Happened to me recently and decided to explore the really simple way to group objects using LINQ using GroupBy. I started off by creating a simple class for a person and created a list Next add the following line This will group your list, people by the...

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