Category: Windows

Creating a Custom Microsoft Management Console

There have been a few times I’ve needed to access the event viewer, local users, etc… on a server and the options are not easy to find (Windows Server 2003), but this will work for almost all Windows Operating Systems. What’s cool about MMC, you can set up on your local machine and point Snap-ins to other machines (servers, etc…)...

How to Install and Run PowerShell

The install PowerShell on a version of Windows before Windows 7 (Windows Server 2k3, 2k8, Vista, or XP), visit the Windows Management Framework download page. This download includes Windows PowerShell 2.0, WinRM 2.0, and BITS 4.0. For those interested, you can also download just WinRM and PowerShell at that link as well. Note : If you are using Windows 7, PowerShell is already installed....

Windows 8 Consumer Preview

Some of you might have heard, or even downloaded, the Microsoft Windows 8 Developer Preview from last year. Now Microsoft has released another view of the new Windows 8, their ‘Consumer Preview‘. If you haven’t seen anything with Windows 8, think of the Metro layout on the XBOX Dashboard or Windows Mobile Phone, but with far more capabilities. However, for...

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