Author: Jacob Saylor

Software developer in Kentucky

Common HTTP Errors (Status Codes) and What They Mean

Ever get a 400,404, etc… error and wonder what it actually means? For most users of the internet we usually don’t care what they mean since a site is either up, or it’s down. For the other part of you that are interested in what the codes actually mean and what to do,  I thought I would list some of the common...

Unable to update the EntitySet ” because it has a DefiningQuery and no InsertFunction

I was deploying a build on a cloud test machine with its own SQL Server and data. I was testing a sync function (a mobile handheld grabbing information from a server) and got the following error. Unable to update the EntitySet ” because it has a DefiningQuery and no element exists in the element to support the current operation. What...

ReflectionTypeLoadException : Could not load file or assembly ‘[DLL Name]’ or one of its dependencies

Getting a Reflection Type Load Exception, and confused by the message or simply can’t figure out what the issue is? As Microsoft defines the exception as, “The exception that is thrown by the Module.GetTypes method if any of the classes in a module cannot be loaded…” which is pretty broad. After debugging a few different types of this exception, I’d thought I’d...

Package ‘Microsoft SQL Managment Studio Package’ failed to load

I had  a fresh Windows 7 operating system, SQL Server install, and had just finished installing SQL Server management Studio(SSMS). I tried running SSMS and got the failed to load error. I had noticed when I was researching this error there were a few solutions besides the one I found, so I thought I’d compile them here. Solution 1 : Re-installing SQL...

Installing SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) for SQL Server 2008

In years past, you could download the SQL Server Management Studio and it was pretty straight forward during the install and you were good to go in minutes. Now they seemed to have made a confusing way to install it which you will spend far too much time trying to figure out. So to save you time, I thought I’d...

The ObjectContext instance has been disposed and can no longer be used for operations that require a connection.

Have you ever assigned a value to an IEnumerable from a database, then try to access in a foreach or something similar and get the following? “ObjectDisposedException was unhandled by user code : The ObjectContext instance has been disposed and can no longer be used for operations that require a connection.” If you are using a using statement with your entity context,...

MySQL won’t Install. Missing MSVCR100.dll

So I tried installing the MySQL workbench 5.2, and got stuck since I was missing the MSVCR100.dll. I was installing on a pretty new Windows 7 – 64 bit laptop. What it actually is missing? The Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime. You can find the (x86) runtime here. Try reinstalling after installing the runtime, and you should be good to go!...

Windows 8 Consumer Preview

Some of you might have heard, or even downloaded, the Microsoft Windows 8 Developer Preview from last year. Now Microsoft has released another view of the new Windows 8, their ‘Consumer Preview‘. If you haven’t seen anything with Windows 8, think of the Metro layout on the XBOX Dashboard or Windows Mobile Phone, but with far more capabilities. However, for...

When to use Parse, Convert, and TryParse in C#

When converting values in C#, we are given three options : Parse, Convert, and TryParse. My suggestion would be to use which method based on where the conversion is taking place. If you are validating user input, an int parse or a convert will allow you to give specific error messages. If you are merely converting in a more discreet...

Searching Everything In a Directory in Windows

Ever go to search for something in windows that you know is there, but not coming up in the search? This is because most likely the location in which you are searching is not indexed, thus the files are not included in the indexed results. Microsoft decided to make this default to increase the speed in which the operating system...

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