Author: Jacob Saylor

Software developer in Kentucky

Create an Image or Bitmap Image from a Byte[], and a Byte[] from an image.

Have a filestream set up and need to produce an Image or Bitmap image from the blob? No worries, there are a few ways in doing this. First off, let me show you how to create the image or bitmap image from the byte array. To an image specifically. To a bitmap specifically. Both. Now you are wondering how to...

Open Documents and Media in WPF’s Web Browser Control in C#

Ever need to display a word document in the same application and didn’t want to shell execute word? Ever need to display text from a rich text file or regular text file? How about quickly displaying an image file? All of these could use there own controls in WPF (Document Viewer, Image control, etc..), however if you use the web browser...

Use Google Chrome To Audit Your Website

Ever need a quick way to audit your website to check for errors, but don’t want to start? There are plenty of options out there to do audit of your website. but I’m going to focus on an easy and quick option for you today. Step 1: Download Google Chrome. Step 2: Navigate to your website you would like to...

Create a Filestream In SQL Server 2008 In Three Easy Steps

Step 1 : Enable FileStream The first step is to enable the filestream capabilities on your SQL Server instance. This can be found by going to your server properties in your SQL Server Configuration Manager and enabling the filestream there. Microsft explains how here. Step 2 : Creating a FileStream Database The following script will create a filestream database for...

Replacing Names Quickly in Visual ‘s Find and Replace

Part of the perks of moving your application to MvvM, you dont have to name your controls since you are binding everything. This frees up resources when running your application. Since my application was fairly large, I decided to dabble in Visual ‘s regular expression to replace all the names. I ended up putting :  

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