Author: Jacob Saylor

Software developer in Kentucky

Recover Deleted Files

It’s happened to us all once or twice… You delete a few files, empty your bin, then think “O crap, I needed those files”. Well the good new is there might be a chance to recover those selected files. All that really happens when you delete a file, picture, etc… is your operating system with remove any pointers to that...

Member [MethodNamd] cannot be accessed with an instance reference; qualify it with a type name instead

Early in a work morning, debugging somebody else’s old code, and without coffee, I get the following error message and got stumped for 2-3 min (Hate to admit with my experience) : Member [MethodNamd] cannot be accessed with an instance reference; qualify it with a type name instead. While this error message can be quite common when updating old code, it...

The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure

Debugging an application which calls another server/service over SSL? If you are using a self signed certificate, most likely you’ve seen the error message “The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure” before. If you do get this, there are some things you can do so do not fret. First off, do you already have a certificate, but...

What’s the Difference Between Where and Having in SQL?

A really quick post for you all today over the differences between Where and Having in SQL. This has been a question in a lot of interviews, but no one seems to know why and when to use each of these clauses. Where The where clause is used to filter based on criteria other than aggregates. So say for example...

SQL-IN : A Tool to Quickly Build The In Condition

So after years of copying data to Notepad++, then formatting to use in an IN condition, I decided to create an application to perform that function for me, at a fraction of the time. The tool is called SQL-In and can be used to parse data with common or a custom delimiter, then format to use with an IN condition. The...

A required anti-forgery token was not supplied or was invalid

After adding the AntiForgeryToken to prevent Cross Site Request Forgery, I started getting the following message when I was debugging the site “A required anti-forgery token was not supplied or was invalid.” With the following inner exception Validation of viewstate MAC failed. If this application is hosted by a Web Farm or cluster, ensure that configuration specifies the same validationKey and...

What are the Ternary and Null Coalescing Operators and How To Use Them

Ever hear of a Ternary Operator or the Null Coalescing Operator and wonder what on earth that is? Some colleges will briefly mention the terms, but wont dive into how and why to use either operators. At first they might seem odd to use, but after you start using both of these it will speed the development process along in terms of writing...

AutoHotkey – My Top Scripts

AutoHotkey, my new favorite hotkey/snippet tool. It can do things from opening your frequently used folders or applications with a few button presses, to replacing lines and words with snippets, or even interacting with your mouse. If you haven’t started using AutoHotkey yet to increase your efficiency, start. You will notice immediately a decrease in time spent doing menial tasks, giving...

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