Getting the Connection String From Your App.Config In WPF and C#

I am using Active Reports and came across a problem where I needed to send the report a connection string. Before I would build the connection string based on what database was used, etc… from an INI file. Now we moved to a MvvM structure with the connection string in the App.Config. I had found a common solution : This...

5 Steps To Making a Password Your Grandma cant Hack

When we think of a computer hacker, people tend to think of the cliché 80’s programmer. However the truth is in ‘s programming world, your grandma can even do some hacking and password cracking. There are plenty of sites that offer solutions to crack passwords, but Im going to stick to the security sides of things here today. So here...

Text Expansion And How It Can Help You

I had found a nice little utility today from a lifehacker explaining about text expansion. Basically it’s a global text completion software which will be able auto complete text you are writing as in Word, but works in a text software. Not as good as Visual Studio’s Intellisense, however this can be used in any software, allowing auto completion for notepad++, or...

Apple Ipod 5G Sound Fix

While listening to my Ipod the other day, the sound started to sputter then give out. I tried blowing compressed air down the headphones jack, resetting the Ipod settings, and even resetting the software on the Ipod. I finally found the problem though getting angry with the device. It seems a chip or connector is loose in the bottom right...

Loading Data Manually in C# – Silverlight 4RC

When linking a table to a control on my forms, I usually can easily just drag from my Data Source tab and be finished. I however, needed to load in the information in the background and not necessarily straight to the form. This can be done in four easy steps. Create a Domain Context Set up the query call Create...

Going to a Specific Page In Silverlight using InitParameters

When you usually reference a Silverlight project, you will load the whole project starting off with what you have selected as your RootVisual. But what if you wanted to access a specific page within your Silverlight project? This is done by including InitParameters in your html and App.xaml.cs. App.xaml.cs Aspx (HTML) In your aspx page, include this line in your...

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