Author: Jacob Saylor

Software developer in Kentucky

Calling a PowerShell script from command line with parameters

Whether you need to setup a scheduled task or set up a build event in TFS, you most likely will need to know how to call a PowerShell script via the command prompt with parameters. The syntax is pretty easy, but if you miss a switch or two, it can have you scratching your head for a few minutes. Your...

Visual Studio 2012 Keeps Crashing

When attempting to debug some SSIS applications, I encountered a quite annoying issue with my Visual Studio crashing anytime I tried to open a package. To hopefully help someone encountering a similar issue, I decided to list the steps here. Most of these steps are self inclusive, so feel free to try Visual Studio after each step to see if it...

Fixing “There is an invalid number of result bindings returned for the ResultSetType: ResultSetType_SingleRow”

Sometimes when rushing through setting up a project we tend to forget to configure things, then are perplexed by the error messages since they don’t always give you exactly where to look or what property you missed. This recently happened to me in SSIS with the Execute SQL Task. I had created an Execute SQL Task and set the Result...

MembershipProvider.ValidateUser Always Returning False

Working with a legacy authentication system, I was attempting to get a login working for an application hosted locally. I was calling ValidateUser with the correct username and password within our system but noticed I was still getting false back from the method. Here is a list of things I tried & looked for in case this might be your issue:...

Common NuGet Package Manager Console Commands You Should Know

Within Visual Studio there is a console window that many know little about. I myself have finally started researching ways to improve my productivity via this console window, the Package Manager Console. In doing my research and using some of these commands on a daily or weekly basis, I figured I’d jot these down for my own notes, and anybody...

Grouping Objects by using GroupBy using LINQ in C#

Ever need to group by a property and want to use LINQ to do so? Happened to me recently and decided to explore the really simple way to group objects using LINQ using GroupBy. I started off by creating a simple class for a person and created a list Next add the following line This will group your list, people by the...

Resolving- Error: System.BadImageFormatException: Could not load file or assembly ‘*’ -When running Unit Tests

When attempting to run for the first time on a new machine the unit tests of a project, I got the following error message: Unable to get type (Test method name), (Test project), Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null. Error: System.BadImageFormatException: Could not load file or assembly (Test project assembly information) or one of its dependencies. An attempt was made to load a...

Problems Installing Internet Explorer 11

Microsoft has a few suggestions on how to go about fixing the installation issues when attempting to install Internet Explorer 11. To save you all some time you happened to land here before transversing those several pages, I went ahead and summarized the tips & suggestions to save some time. Download and run Microsoft’s Fix it tool. This might solve your...

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