Tag: Powershell

Calling a PowerShell script from command line with parameters

Whether you need to setup a scheduled task or set up a build event in TFS, you most likely will need to know how to call a PowerShell script via the command prompt with parameters. The syntax is pretty easy, but if you miss a switch or two, it can have you scratching your head for a few minutes. Your...

Common NuGet Package Manager Console Commands You Should Know

Within Visual Studio there is a console window that many know little about. I myself have finally started researching ways to improve my productivity via this console window, the Package Manager Console. In doing my research and using some of these commands on a daily or weekly basis, I figured I’d jot these down for my own notes, and anybody...

How to Install and Run PowerShell

The install PowerShell on a version of Windows before Windows 7 (Windows Server 2k3, 2k8, Vista, or XP), visit the Windows Management Framework download page. This download includes Windows PowerShell 2.0, WinRM 2.0, and BITS 4.0. For those interested, you can also download just WinRM and PowerShell at that link as well. Note : If you are using Windows 7, PowerShell is already installed....

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